2021 - Still alive
Finally had some time to update some parts of this website, plus adding my latest game "The Touryst".
2019 - Back to the roots!
While still busy working on a big Switch project, I took some spare time and went back to my roots. More then 20 years ago I used to pixel on the legendary Amiga 500 and I took the opportunity and made an entry for the old school gfx compo at the Rivision Demo Party. And I'm proud to say I ended up in 2nd place with this picture:

320x256 - 32colors - Amiga ECS
2017 Update - Fast RMX for Nintendo Switch
FAST RMX for the Nintendo Switch is out! It was an incredible teameffort to get the game out for launch. And I'm proud, it got so much attention and positive response. And as I'm posting this, there are already 50 reviews averaging a great 81 on metacritic. So far, i would say this is the most successful game, i've been working on. Thanks to everybody for the support.

Can't believe how long I didn't touch my website. Being busy is no excuse, but maybe personal websites seem to be less important, since Twitter for news and Artstation for portfolio stuff is around.
I don't care, at least for now. This is the place for my personal news and I'm super proud, how successful
Fast Racing Neo turned out and performed. We released one of the highest rated Nintendo WiiU eShop games and the response from media and gamers was amazing. Additionally, we got the honor to be selected by Nintendo of Europe for a retail release, which launched together with the DLC in September.
I can't talk about my current projects, but great things are coming very soon.